Inflection Points*
As humans, we are constantly moving through moments in time. It is these
instances, their isolation and connectedness, which make our lives a series of
inflection points. The trajectory of our lives can change, rapidly or gradually, in
small or momentous ways. These precarious transitions become opportunities for
consideration, if we are still enough to take notice.
The human figure is something fundamentally relatable. It is all at once specific
and personal, as well as anonymous and universal. Reducing the figure down to
gesture, stripping away the external layers, one considers life’s inflection points.
The figure represents the fragility of life, its imperfections, and transience.
Through material and process, form and composition, those thoughts, transition
points, and moments of understanding are illustrated without being spoken.
*Inflection Point in Math is a point on a curve at which the curvature changes from convex to concave or vice versa.